
Discussions kennyc has started

An integrated bargain?432027
Turntable bargain including tonearm?8804
2k bargain? Morel Avyra 633 floorstanding speakers5910
MBL’s Juergen Reis explains the 101 X-Treme Mk II and much more3091
LessLoss C-Marc - How does it compare?8263
What gear do you want to demo?7509
Buffalo Springfield- “For What it’s Worth” - best vinyl version 5643
Magnepan “X” upgrade program323915
DeVore Fidelity Orangutan O/baby speakers35994
New- HiFi ROSE RS130 Ultimate Network Transport943921
Preamp and amp synergy- how to determine 9021
What sonic qualities connects to you deeply and emotionally?155324
Tube rolling newbie- how to choose NOS tubes178024
Weird and funny songs93810
Changing melody and tempo songs8247