Advice Pls: Tact v PS Audio v Spectral

I'm planning to completely upgrade my system in the next several months. I've decided on Soundlab M1/A1 speakers (probably from Duke). Now I need to choose an amp. The merits of an all digital signal path are - to my mind - compelling, esp with digital room correction, but I don't have any actual experience. Any thoughts about merits/demerits of a particular model would be helpful. Or if you think that I'm completely off base and should go analog, I'd like to hear your thoughts as to why.

Showing 1 response by ivanj

FWIW, I tried a pair of bridged Evos on A3s - as you know they are "digital". I felt they were acceptable but did not have the life of the best tube amps or the Pass Aleph series. Email member "celebrat" - he used a similar combo with a Tact or some other digital correction device with an Accuphase 75. I use a pair of Wolcotts I bought from Duke - great dealer and a great amp. You may want to post your question on SLOG.