Advise on Audyssey Sound Equalizer installation?

I just ordered the Audyssey Sound Equalizer. The EQ is only available through professional installation. However, the installation does not include passive treatments or speaker placement. In a way I can understand Audyssey's philosophy:
"The product corrects for acoustic problems present in your listening area, whether your room has been treated with wall panels and has ideal speaker placement or not"

However, based on my research here, I would be better off treating as many issues as I can before the EQ kicks in.

Any Advice would be greatly appreciated as I am pretty new at this.

My biggest issues:
1) Room Dimensions: 18Lx11'2"Wx8H. The room calculators that I tried actually told me to build a new room! (Although my room is a library. But the book shelves are only on 2 walls.)
2) Bay Window: I will install a (thick) curtain. The EQ has special software for Bay windows.
The bench bay windows problems will be addressed through the EQ by analyzing the "liveliness" & reflective character that the window creates, and creating the appropriate filters, even as it relates to time domain & delay.
3) My Sub:
a) 3 way firing. I am moving it to the back of the room to behind the listening area.
b) Sub has a 65Hz Low Pass Filter that does not optionally shut off. As a result I am forced to do 2 workarounds: 1) x-Over must be 60Hz (My PrePro only does 20 increments. 2)I must use Krell's Enhanced Bass mode. That mode sends the Bass to both the Mains & Sub. So, in a way, the EQ must handle 3 subwoofers. My mains go down to 32Hz. Enhanced Bass is required because of the nature of most x-overs in PrePro's. The x-over does not pass the upper freq of the dedicated .1 channel of the x-over anywhere other then the Sub. (Presumably, the PrePro manufacturers assumes that the sub can handle higher freq then the crossover). The .1 of DD & DTS can upto 120Hz. I looked it up. So If I don't want to completely miss information, I must send the Bass to 3 speakers/subs. Although that's a lot of Bass for such a tiny room. I wonder how the EQ will handle all my Bass. After an explosion, my body rattles for some time.

My listening room is pretty much Sound Proof, in case you are wondering why all this bass is not waking my entire house up. The room used to be a garage and there is thick intallation all around the entire room. I don't hear the door bell or phone ring when I am in there.

Perhaps I can also be helpful for other perspective buyers. Perhaps you want to know how the install went? I expect the EQ to be installed in 4-6 weeks.

Thank you in advance,
You need help. Otherwise, expect great compromises!
As handy as the Audyssey is, you must properly adress speaker placement, sub placement in relation to seats and rest of the speaker system (not, you're not only placing the sub to integrated with the mains, but also the sides and rears, as well as in relation to different seating possitions! (i.e, you can have the sub in phase for one set of seats, or a seat, and not another, in relation to the speakers!!!...this happens all the time, with serious performance compromises). Also, properly dealing with acoustics is still the way to go, and is a better foundation from which to work from. Also, there's better ways to deal with your bass management, than what you're doing. YOu're going to run into more challenges than you know, "overlapping" the bass from your "single subwoofer" with your mains (again, at the very least in relation to you seats!).
Also, of main concern is placing your seats and speakers where there's a "hole" in the frequency response for the bass! NO EQ or correction device in the world can fix this!!! You must get the setup so there's no major hole here. (especially at the critical crossover) It's all too easy (and common) to place the speakers where there's a nice hole at 80hz reigion, or thereabouts, where it's very critical for bass performance, inpact, flatness, etc. There's of course lots of other acoustical issues to adress., tweaks for the system, set-up considerations...all of which should be adressed before the EQ!
Once again, there's no replacement for knowledge and experience here folks, sorry. Do it wrong, and you'll get what everyone else ends up with, and that's a mediocre sounding, at best, sounding system!
There's hundreds of ways to compromise all of these multi-channel systems in difficult system/room setups, with challenging acoustics (many of which can't be fixed with a "box").
I'd suggest assistance. Good luck
I really want to do this right.

The reason I initiated the thread was so I can get assistance. And in return, I can give feedback on this fascinating product. But for the feedback to be the most helpful, I would have to use the product properly.
But within there lies the crux. The EQ is a product that works irrespective of the speaker placement. So no matter what I do, according to Audyssey, I am using the product correctly.

However, according to my analysis in this forum, that might not be the whole picture. It seems that the end user results would be much better off if I could treat the listening room first. In other words get as flat as response as possible before the EQ kicks in.

I plan on phasing my Media Room. Professionally treating my room is just not possible for me this year. I plan on doing that, but just not now. My goal here is to get advice barring professionally treating my room. As Flrnlamb mentioned, what other tweaks do you think I might benefit from? Issues that I should address first?

How else can I deal with the bass management? The best idea I thought of so far was to get a second sub that handles 65-120Hz.

I did not know about the Low Pass filter when I bought it. So I called Sumiko and asked them for a solution. They said that I should not set the Sub in the PrePro, and pass the Line Level from the mains into the Sub- out from my amp??!!!! Even though ther will be 2 speaker spades connections per channel. Sumiko also said I should place the 3 way firing sub in between the Mains. But you have a matching Cremona Center that goes in between the Mains I reminded him. So he said behind the Center even though the stand will be right in front. Anyway, the forum suggested in the back of the room.

Incidentally, I actually thought the bass sounded much better when I set it to come from the mains as well. It actually sounded less boomy and tighter and far more musical. I think Sonus Faber intended the Sub to overlap with the Mains. Using Sumiko’s setup, the Bass would also overlap. Lots of people have multiple Subs how can the mains be any worse then a real sub. If anything the Mains should be better, because the bass is coming from the same speaker and probably ties in with the music better.
I infer from your references to Sumiko that you are using a REL. What you describe is the standard setup for them but not what the majority of sub manufacturers recommend. One issue is that your main speakers still run full range; that limits their power handling and can give higher distortion than otherwise. It also puts a larger burden on the amps that feed them.

That said, you need to use the Audyssey in order to EQ all the channels in that setup. If you used a more standard sub configuration, with BM in the pre/pro and the sub fed via a line-level output, you could use a dedicated sub EQ for it. The Velodyne SMS-1, the R-DES, the BFD come to mind but there are others.

Overall though, you will need to recalibrate the Audyssey every time you make a change in room acoustics and/or equipment and/or set-up and configuration.

I have the Sonus Faber Cremona Mains, Center & Matching Sub. Cremona has a matching Sub. Anyway, I can honestly say I never heard distortion from any of the Cremonas even at high levels. As far as I can tell the Cremonas can handle anything I throw at them beautifully. I also use NBS cables and Krell electronics so maybe that helps?
Also, all of my guests, including musicians, can't understand why I need better sound. As for the Power Handling, my systems averages (w/ Projector & Sub) at 3.8 Amps. The most I have ever seen it peek was 6 Amps. Which is rare. When it peaks, it’s usually around 5. (Which is funny, because I re-wired the room for 20 amps as my first step)

As for the Topic of a more standard sub:
If I would do it all over again I probably would have gotten one because of the Set Difficulties and the expensive price tag ($4k). But there is no question in mind that I would be giving up one of the most musical Subs that I have had the pleasure of hearing.

One of the limitations of the EQ, is there is no install kit available to the consumer and the installer will have to come back to calibrate when it will becomes necessary.
