Aerial 10T's in the house...

Benn looking to replace my Logans for years now and ran across these 10T's at a friends house. I have to wait to set them up as I can't lift the box's by they will live upstairs. Cant wait to feel some air move!
Don't be obsessed with set-up. They are good in medium sized rooms and muscle amps.
There's an MC7270 available for sale on this site- not mine and no association with the seller, around the same price as a new A21. 
Food for thought....
I have MUCH better placement now... HUGE difference. Manual Shmanual! Lol 

Selling the ML’s this week to a gentleman in Charlotte. Sold at a VERY good price to move fast. 

Now big boy power next! :) I have a friend in “the business” that is doing me a solid on the A21...very solid. I am fortunate and greatful. I had no idea how good the Parasound gear is. I do now.
Have your friend give you a good deal on a nice power cord for your new A21. Kimber PK10 Ascent or a previous Gold version sound great on the Parasound amps without breaking the bank. If you don’t have a dedicated circuit to your equipment that will make a nice improvement as well... or at least upgrade your receptacles to something like the Hubbell’s that albertporter sales here - Porter Port outlets if you are only using cheap spec grade builder receptacles.