Theta Amps pair well with just about any good high end speaker! (And they should since they go to great lengths to avoid colorations and global feedback).
But to put my 2 cents in - if you are willing to "feed" them - the Thiels will reward you many times over - they remind me of Maggies in that respect. If they aren't paired with good equipment, they won't be as good as they could be.
If you are using good amplification (Krell ought to qualify - thought you said that you were using them) then the Theils ought to sound fine. Thiels tend to like good cables too, and their time coherence might disallow something like the 10ga. Romex - though a multistraded speaker cable ought to do well - you will find the Thiels repsond in the bass mostly with the various cables - so pick the most neutral/natural you can find!
Aerial makes a good speaker - so if you like them, then great. I would hesitate to buy an expensive speaker to equalize bright DVD recording - it would be like buying a high end turntable with a particular cartige to make the Dynaflex records sound better! That kind of thing is what Receiver/Preamp Tone controls are made for.
I audition speakers with music with good dynamic range a good silences in parts - I do find that DVD-V sound to be too spotty for me.
But to put my 2 cents in - if you are willing to "feed" them - the Thiels will reward you many times over - they remind me of Maggies in that respect. If they aren't paired with good equipment, they won't be as good as they could be.
If you are using good amplification (Krell ought to qualify - thought you said that you were using them) then the Theils ought to sound fine. Thiels tend to like good cables too, and their time coherence might disallow something like the 10ga. Romex - though a multistraded speaker cable ought to do well - you will find the Thiels repsond in the bass mostly with the various cables - so pick the most neutral/natural you can find!
Aerial makes a good speaker - so if you like them, then great. I would hesitate to buy an expensive speaker to equalize bright DVD recording - it would be like buying a high end turntable with a particular cartige to make the Dynaflex records sound better! That kind of thing is what Receiver/Preamp Tone controls are made for.
I audition speakers with music with good dynamic range a good silences in parts - I do find that DVD-V sound to be too spotty for me.