Aerial Speakers

I've owned several speakers over the past seven years: Wilson Sophia 2s, 3s, Sashas, Revel F52s, and most recently Revel F208s. My Aerial 7Ts arrived two days ago and I can't say enough about them. They are the most complete speaker that I've ever owned. No, they are not perfect! Wilson speakers can play louder and are a smidgen more dynamic. The Revel F208s have a larger sweet can sit anywhere and the soundstage doesn't change! If I only required speakers for movies I would prefer F208s. I'm blessed to have a dedicated sound room that enables me to place the 7Ts five feet out from the front wall(rear of speaker) and several feet from the side walls. My system is rather modest: 7Ts, Nova 220 se, NAD bee, Silver Audio cable. The 7Ts have a midrange and tweeter that sounds so real its sick. The music extends beyond the speakers and it's the first speaker that I've owned that images appear slightly in front, as well as to the far outside of the speakers. They are beautiful to look at and I hope I have enough sense to just enjoy the music!

Showing 2 responses by mitch2

Years after owning and enjoying a pair of Michael Kelly designed ADS L810's, I circled back around to one of his current offerings the Aerial 9's. Like the L810's, they have a great combination of clarity, dynamics, even response across frequencies and, most importantly, they sound very musical and enjoyable with all types of music. They are also well made, well designed, and extremely well supported by the manufacturer.

As an aside, wonder why I don’t see more Aerial presence at shows and more advertising.

I cannot answer you specific question but I can add that Aerial Acoustics is alive and well, although they did recently move their offices. Michael Kelly still runs things and I didn’t ask about their transition plans.

I just had them rebuild two SW12 subwoofer amplifier sections (all the electronics is in one plug-n-play piece for easy maintenance/repair). Apparently the original amplifiers had something that would wear out (after many years of use) and the new or rebuilt units are supposed to be bomb proof.

All of their speakers are just so well designed and particularly from the standpoint of power handling and providing impact. These LR5s are my last speakers and powering them with good-sounding, high current, amps then adding a couple of SW12s has given me an amplifier/speaker combination that I never think about changing (except maybe another SW12 or two!). This review nails it.