Aero Capitole as a preamp?

Im thinking of rearranging my system and wonder if the Aero will be a good preap for my analog system, and is it better, worse or the same as my current preamp. Currently I have a Aesthetix Calypso and the analog front end it TNT 5 with the Whest phono stage. The Capitole would replace the Calypso, Sony 9000es VSD level 5 and one interconnect and one power cord. Does it make sence?



Showing 1 response by barrelchief

I too have the (fantastic) Calypso pre. Last summer, I auditionned a Capitole MKII SE CDP in my system. It was wonderful sounding.

However, when I bypassed the Calypso and went straight from the Capitole CDP to my power amps, the music sounded VERY thin.

I was stunned at how the detail & richness had shut down without my Calypso in the audio chain. The AA dealer told me that the "buffering" from a good pre-amp does wonders.

Don't sell the will likely regret it.