Aero Capitole as a preamp?

Im thinking of rearranging my system and wonder if the Aero will be a good preap for my analog system, and is it better, worse or the same as my current preamp. Currently I have a Aesthetix Calypso and the analog front end it TNT 5 with the Whest phono stage. The Capitole would replace the Calypso, Sony 9000es VSD level 5 and one interconnect and one power cord. Does it make sence?



Showing 1 response by unclejeff

I use my audio Aero as a pre and I love it. I have to admit that I have not auditioned the Calypso. I run my Satellite via toslink, my DVD using coax and the latest version of the Capitole allows for an analog passthru for use with a tuner. I bi-amp from the Audio Aero using the RCA to my McIntosh 2102 amp and I use the balanced output to my matching Audio Aero Capitole amp which sits in my office. The only thing it won't do is allow for a vinyl input.

If you do a search of Audio Aero hereabouts in the discussion forums you will find almost universal support for this unit.