Aesthetix Calypso getting hot on the left side

I've just bought a used Aesthetix Calypso preamp and I'm very happy with its sound.
But I'm worried as it gets hot over the left side of it.
The source of the heat is on the left side of the common board, just on the left of the AC cable channel before it enter the transformers enclosure.
It's definitely hotter than on the right side, but not so hot that I couldn't place my hand on the cover over it.

Do you think this is normal?

I can't understand why people have to ask these questions here when they can email or call the manufacturer.
I couldn't imagine Aesthetix would answer this; I've asked other manufacturers about more serious issues and never got an answer.

Again credits to Aesthetix for its support.

I don't know if you get a response from AR before asking this here