Well it looks like another thread run amuck with ARC bashers, what is with you people?
I'm on my second ARC pre, the first was the SP16L, and my current is the LS25 MK1
(XLR to amps=critical). These pre's are anything but dull, boring, slow, thick or syrupy. ARC's been making pre's for a long time and there are alot of them out there, so they must be doing something right. I'm sorry, but I have a great deal of respect for ARC and just don't understand the negative comments. I'll get off my soapbox now.
I think I've assembled a very nice system and have no desire to change any component with the possible exception of the pre. I listen mostly to rock, some jazz/fusion and female vocalist. I like a touch of warmth, hence the tubed pre. But I also love good dynamics and bass slam for rock and feel the MK1 is pretty darn good at it, but could possibly be somewhat better. I've done my homework and read till I can read no more, and for me it boils down to three pre's ARC LS25 MK1 & MK2 and the Calypso. I've had two tube guys tell me I should go from the MK1 to the MK2, that there is no comparison between the two, and that the MK2 is NOT SS sounding.
And then there's the raving reviews of the Calypso that cannot be ignored. Also, much positive press here on Agon with the exception of some early "tube noise" issues that seem to have been resolved. All three of these pre's are at the same pricepoint, so this is not an issue.
Magnepanmike, can you give a little more insight as to why you feel the MK2 is SS sounding? An example of the system/music and time spent with it perhaps?
Guidocorona, I agree with most of your comments regarding ARC.
But please tell me why you hate the MK2 so much?
I'm on my second ARC pre, the first was the SP16L, and my current is the LS25 MK1
(XLR to amps=critical). These pre's are anything but dull, boring, slow, thick or syrupy. ARC's been making pre's for a long time and there are alot of them out there, so they must be doing something right. I'm sorry, but I have a great deal of respect for ARC and just don't understand the negative comments. I'll get off my soapbox now.
I think I've assembled a very nice system and have no desire to change any component with the possible exception of the pre. I listen mostly to rock, some jazz/fusion and female vocalist. I like a touch of warmth, hence the tubed pre. But I also love good dynamics and bass slam for rock and feel the MK1 is pretty darn good at it, but could possibly be somewhat better. I've done my homework and read till I can read no more, and for me it boils down to three pre's ARC LS25 MK1 & MK2 and the Calypso. I've had two tube guys tell me I should go from the MK1 to the MK2, that there is no comparison between the two, and that the MK2 is NOT SS sounding.
And then there's the raving reviews of the Calypso that cannot be ignored. Also, much positive press here on Agon with the exception of some early "tube noise" issues that seem to have been resolved. All three of these pre's are at the same pricepoint, so this is not an issue.
Magnepanmike, can you give a little more insight as to why you feel the MK2 is SS sounding? An example of the system/music and time spent with it perhaps?
Guidocorona, I agree with most of your comments regarding ARC.
But please tell me why you hate the MK2 so much?