Aesthetix Calypso vs ARC LS25 MK2

Looking for insight from folk's who have compared these two pre's either head to head
in the same system (preferably) or experience with both in different systems.

I'm not looking at any other pre's at this time,
so please don't muddy up the thread with other pre's I should consider.

Thanks in advance...
Perfectionist, I found the sound of LS25 Mk. 2 to be far to 'polite' and almost veiled.
It sounded as if it were saying 'oh well, here is another note for you'.
I heard it in two contexts: ARC CD 3 Mk. 2 + LS25 Mk2 + Rowland 302 + Utopia (don't remember Model), and in a totally ARC system: ARC CD 3 Mk 2, LS 25 Mk 2, ARC VT200, MagnePan 3.6. Music was classical: chamber, orchestra, vocal. In both cases the ARC Ref 2 Mk. 2 transformed the system completely: much broader soundstage (still not perfectly defined), top/bottom extension, fuller midrange, incredibly better macrodynamics, overall sense of excitement and of wanting to immerse myself into the music. I was though more enthrolled with the Ref 2 when it was driving the ARC VT200 rather than the Rowland 302.
As you can see, I am no ARC basher by any stretch, and am seriously considering the new Ref 3 as my next linestage.
I have been an ARC customer for 13 years. I do understand brand loyalty. Why not consider a used REF 2 Mk. 2? It may cost the same as a new LS25 and give you so much more. . . and still be indestructable!
>>ARC's been making pre's for a long time and there are alot of them out there<<

Yup, they're so popular you can find 110 pieces of ARC gear for sale on Audiogon. Maybe owners are catching on to the fact that for similiar money better products from companies such as Joule, VAC, BAT, Supratek, Canary, Cary, deHavilland, Aesthetix, Atma-Sphere, and CAT are available.
Bashing?? No, simply more awareness and knowledge on the part of the audiophile.
>>Well it looks like another thread run amuck with ARC bashers, what is with you people? <<

Hold on Sparky. It was YOU who initiated the thread if I'm not mistaken. YOU asked for folks (not folk's by the way) who have had experience with the ARC and Aesthetix. Don't raise a fuss because you don't like the message.

PS Go for the Calypso :-)
Thanks for all the kind words from all you folks (not folk's).

At least I've got the balls to list my system for all to see and not keep it under wraps like some military secret. I find it difficult to take serious advice from people who won't list their system so I can have a look and see if I think they're full of it or perhaps they now their stuff.
Point well taken Perfectionist. Yet it is not because of any dissociative mental disorder that I have omitted to post my own system, but only because of terminal laziness. I have just created a personal system thread of sorts at:
Please do feel free to visit. Thanks, Guido