Perfectionist, I found the sound of LS25 Mk. 2 to be far to 'polite' and almost veiled.
It sounded as if it were saying 'oh well, here is another note for you'.
I heard it in two contexts: ARC CD 3 Mk. 2 + LS25 Mk2 + Rowland 302 + Utopia (don't remember Model), and in a totally ARC system: ARC CD 3 Mk 2, LS 25 Mk 2, ARC VT200, MagnePan 3.6. Music was classical: chamber, orchestra, vocal. In both cases the ARC Ref 2 Mk. 2 transformed the system completely: much broader soundstage (still not perfectly defined), top/bottom extension, fuller midrange, incredibly better macrodynamics, overall sense of excitement and of wanting to immerse myself into the music. I was though more enthrolled with the Ref 2 when it was driving the ARC VT200 rather than the Rowland 302.
As you can see, I am no ARC basher by any stretch, and am seriously considering the new Ref 3 as my next linestage.
I have been an ARC customer for 13 years. I do understand brand loyalty. Why not consider a used REF 2 Mk. 2? It may cost the same as a new LS25 and give you so much more. . . and still be indestructable!
It sounded as if it were saying 'oh well, here is another note for you'.
I heard it in two contexts: ARC CD 3 Mk. 2 + LS25 Mk2 + Rowland 302 + Utopia (don't remember Model), and in a totally ARC system: ARC CD 3 Mk 2, LS 25 Mk 2, ARC VT200, MagnePan 3.6. Music was classical: chamber, orchestra, vocal. In both cases the ARC Ref 2 Mk. 2 transformed the system completely: much broader soundstage (still not perfectly defined), top/bottom extension, fuller midrange, incredibly better macrodynamics, overall sense of excitement and of wanting to immerse myself into the music. I was though more enthrolled with the Ref 2 when it was driving the ARC VT200 rather than the Rowland 302.
As you can see, I am no ARC basher by any stretch, and am seriously considering the new Ref 3 as my next linestage.
I have been an ARC customer for 13 years. I do understand brand loyalty. Why not consider a used REF 2 Mk. 2? It may cost the same as a new LS25 and give you so much more. . . and still be indestructable!