Aesthetix IO Eclipse


I'm seriously considering this Phono preamp (with the additional line input and volume control), and would like to get in contact with potenial owners of the IO-series from Aesthetix. I believe the IO is what I'm looking for sonically (and I love the design and user experience). But, I'm slightly concerned about earlier reports of noise/hum issues, as well as riability and the practical side of things related to tube life and generated heat.


- Is the IO Eclipse (still) up there among the best on the market?
- Will the possibility of driving a poweramp directly offer any disadvantages, or be as good as or better than a separate preamp of the same caliber?
- Are the tubes worth the expense, effort and potential hassle...?

What I'm looking for is a high degree of naturalness, musicality and flow combined with great dynamics and a large, holographic soundstage.

My system:

Brinkmann Bardo + 10.5 tonearm + Pi-pickup (Analog)
Audio Aero La Fontaine (CD/DAC/Pre)
Karan KA M2000 (Monoblocks)
Sonus Faber Futura (Speakers)
Kubala Sosna Elation (Cables)

I had a regular IO single power supply that was just upgraded to the eclipse sig it went in for repair because it sounded so bad they needed to change so much the upgrade made sense, well it saved me some cash and I didn’t want any issues I wanted to sound great after all the previous issues and time I spent so I gave them the ok. Thousands of dollars later, got it back nothing but trouble the thing makes so much noise I can't listen to it! I borrowed a $500 little photo stage and it sounded so much better. Didn't have the depth the IO had but overall so much better only a little hiss. I am back about 15’ from my vandersteen 7 and I hear a pretty loud hiss and crackling in the the channels now ans then. Aesthetix then sold me more tubes thinking the tubs got bounced in shipping for several hundred dollars! Still makes the same noise quieted it down maybe 5%. I have spent no less than 80 hours swaping tubes and doing everything under the sun to make this wok because I am in it for so much cash. I am so frustrated with it I have not powered it up in months I would never buy this pre amp again. I think my system is just to sensitive for it maybe if I had less sensitive speakers but I hear everything and although the sound is big and live I can’t get past the noises it makes. I don't see how anyone can even here space and blackness over the pops and hiss.

I'm really sorry to hear about your troubles! But, based on the respons I've got from other IO-owners (as well as a great amount of customers cheering about the great service provided by Aesthetix in general), I'm also quite surprised hearing about your experience.

What does Aesthetix have to say about all this? I can't imagine them sending you a unit that's not 100% OK. Is it "only" a noise issue, or do you experience other problems with it sonically as well?
Hmmm... I suppose Io Eclipse could be a bit more susceptible to hum or whatever from interference elsewhere since the
case is mostly opened mesh grill. I had quite a bit of humming problem initially that went away after I connect a wire from the chassis to ground (same go for my Lamm LP2 but LP2 was a bit easier since it came with its own ground binding post). However, I am not sure about hissing and crackling noise though.
Had the IO Sig for a couple of years. I did find it noisy even with Jim's recdommended tubes. More important though is the perspective of the soundstage it throws. at first it sounds huge and it is. only when I switched to another phono stage did i realize that the IO is not so focussed and you might miss a more precise staging of the music. I put the IO n the same category as ARC phono stages - big sound highly impressive, but artificial if you want to replay a quartet on stage. Not saying it is bad or even wrong, but that is the characteristic of width and height versus depth and precision.
If a key requirement for your enjoyment is "dead silence" from the electronics, the Io will likely never satisfy your need. It is generating 80db of gain all from tubes. There are tradeoffs in doing this as compared to a solid state phono stage or a tube phono stage that uses a transformer gain step up device.

To my ear, the Io's all active tube gain sonics are consistently superior in naturalness, timbre and micro-dynamics - a sense of "life" to the music.

The downside to this all active tube gain is that a certain amount of tube rush is going to show through if you are using a very low output cartridge or if you are consistently playing at very high volume levels. The demand on the first gain stage tubes for low noise is significant and not to be underestimated. Even with "perfect" tubes, some people will continue to complain that the unit is noisy. For me, this is NOT the case. But, I've listened to vinyl and tubes for 40 years and am somewhat less concerned about dead silence in the background than others may be.

As to expressed reservations about soundstaging and precise imaging, I find no fault and only praise for the Io in these areas. I listen primarily to classical (orchestral and chamber) and small ensemble jazz. The ability to precisely and accurately reproduce the players and their instruments in space (horizontal, vertical and in depth) are high priorities for my listening enjoyment. And the Io is able to meet my very high expectations in these areas.