I have heard Mimas with Treo CT, Vandy Sub 3 in a moderate sized room, approx 15’x18’, table was a VPI with a Delos, I missed IF it had the phono card.
sound was punchy and tight and Vandersteen smooth with zero fatigue.
last time I heard an Atlas it was in a system w Ayre CD spinner, ARC Ref 5 preamp and Vandersteen 7 mk 1 speakers. I have heard the Atlas signature since w other speakers. I would characterize the Atlas as MORE with drive a stake thru the center of the earth tight groove bass. The Mimas for the money is incredible!
now having said that, I have a soft spot in my heart for ARC tube preamps with SS Ayre power.
and in my reference system, I am blessed to have the Vandersteen 7 amplifier..