Aesthetix Pallene

Has anyone heard or seen the new preamp from Aesthetix its called the Pallene any information would be greatly appreciated

Thank You for the brief on Mimas integrated amp. What other gear including cabling was in the demo system?

Happy Listening!
The speaker were Vandersteen Treos CT
speaker cables Audioquest Meteor double Bi-wired 
interconnects Audioquest not sure
Blu Sound vault
Ayre CODEX with Codex Cradle 
I have heard Mimas with Treo CT, Vandy Sub 3 in a moderate sized room, approx 15’x18’, table was a VPI with a Delos, I missed IF it had the phono card.

sound was punchy and tight and Vandersteen smooth with zero fatigue.

last time I heard an Atlas it was in a system w Ayre CD spinner, ARC Ref 5 preamp and Vandersteen 7 mk 1 speakers. I have heard the Atlas signature since w other speakers. I would characterize the Atlas as MORE with drive a stake thru the center of the earth tight groove bass. The Mimas for the money is incredible!

now having said that, I have a soft spot in my heart for ARC tube preamps with SS Ayre power.

and in my reference system, I am blessed to have the Vandersteen 7 amplifier..

Thank You for mentioning the demo system. I agree that it is a terrific value.  Now, I have to find an audition.

Happy Listening!