Aesthetix Rhea vs. Io Signature

Having read most of the posts re: the Aesthetix Io (both with and w/o signature and dual power supply upgrades), I think I understand its excellence, yet have not auditioned it. However, I'd like to keep things fairly simple from a heat/maintenance/no.of boxes/cost standpoint. Thus, my interest in the Rhea. Would those of you who have experience with the Rhea vs. the Io comment as to the distinctions. The concern I have is how much body, weight and richness of soundstage is sacrificed vs. the Io (let's assume with single power supply, signature version).
The latest issue of Stereophile has a review of the Rhea in which the author takes quite a bit of time comparing it to the Io. I think it was written by Paul Bolin, check it out.
I have seen the Rhea but not seriously auditioned it. I have heard it, and it does sound good, but can't comment on the specific A-B.

One thing I will say, though, is that the IO produces a stunning amount of heat. I had always heard that tube gear produces a lot of heat - I've got a Counterpoint SA-11, so I have a pretty good idea! - but just sitting next to the rack holding a 3-box IO and the preamp (Castillo, I think) was an eye-opening experience.
Talk to Albertporter about this. He has heard them all, and currently has the IO DPS Signature with all NOS tubes, and knows what you want to know.