Aesthetix Romulus Signature Upgrade Worth the $3,000 ?

Hi all,

I just purchased a "base" Aesthetix Romulus and am very happy with it. Has anyone had their unit upgraded to Signature or heard the base unit and Signature unit side by side? I am wondering what the sonic differences were and if you think it is a worthwhile upgrade. The vast majority of my units use is spinning cd's on a high resolution system. I would be particularly interested in the difference in dynamics and bass extension with the upgrade.

Thanks for looking!!

I'll also state that the Romulus Eclipse  and Yamamoto placed in well configured systems are very competitive  with high quality turntables in regard to  musical involvement and organic character. Some analog setups are in fact  analytical in presentation and actually  less involving  and  satisfying than these two digital  sources. My point is that both of them do justice to the music. 
what model Yamamoto ?
I would also need to spend a significant sum on a Niagiara class SE cables ( DAC to PRE)...
i have about 2 K redbook Cd's so for grins this might be fun..

anybody have one in Seattle ???? Might be fun to compare head to head vs. Pandora SIG..

I have a nice bottle of Freemark Abbey to skew the blind A/ B..or enable it...

There are two Yamamoto DACs,  mine and Grannyring's  are  solid state(YDA-01a) and there's also a tube version(YDA-01b). Both were reviewed and compared in a 6 Moons comprehensive writeup. 
Off topic for a moment, The Seattle  Seahawks are making a game of this. I have to admire their heart. Gap is down to 10 points.