Affordable SS that sound like Tubes

I was a 100% vinyl guy for many years. Due to maintenance cost and aggravation I switched to DSD after a lot of research and I have no regrets.


I am looking for suggestions on affordable SS that sounds as good as Tubes. 


Here's the rub. My Mid Monos were less than $2,000 brand new and they sound incredible. As does my Pre that costed me less than $1,000.

Integrated suggestions are welcomed.

And I would like to hear from people that had fine tube equipment and switched to fine SS equipment.

And please, no mention of "Tubes have Higher Distortion." LOL



My tube experience is extensive; from Conrad Johnson; McIntosh, Dynaco, Allnic, Prima Luna, and many more. 

Pass Labs is the only SS amp that truly has the midrange bloom that sounds and feels like tubes. They’re Class A products such as XA25, XA60.8, and now I have X260.8 Monoblocks which are the best of what I have had. 
The Integrated; INT-60.8 is very much a tube like sound with out the hassle and can be bought used for $5600-$6500. It is the kink of company which answers the phone live and does things like answer your questions; send you free things; just because, and will fix your amp or remote control even when its clearly out of service; done it 3 times in my life. 

You can not and will not go wrong; superb build. 


And can u explain the issue with using the mac mini to store files and send those files to the dsd dac?

It is not as if I am using itunes. All apple processing and filters are bypassed with Audivana.

so where are the weaknesses?


than you


and please anyone else feel free to chime in


I can’t recommend a SS amp that sounds like tubes. You’ve already gotten recommendations on good sounding amplifiers.

As to using mac mini as a streamer, which is what you’re doing, it’s not optimized for this task. You have OS running, background processes and Audirvana running on it processing music files from hard drive (hope it’s SSD). All that good stuff that’s happening inside loads up processor and memory, results in good amounts of heat and generates noise and interference that you end up feeding via a USB out that’s not optimized for streaming music. Add to that the noise generated by the internal power supply. All that junk from the Mini gets fed into your DAC. On top of it, your computer is probably close to your components and cables and is plugged into the same circuit. You are now dealing with EMI and the garbage that the Mini dumps back into the circuit that’s powering your system.

A much better solution would be to use the PS Audio DAC with its built in network card and stream using ethernet. Have your Mac Mini as far away from your system as possible. It and the PS Audio DAC would need to be on the same network.

When you’re using a dedicated streamer, you take advantage of the optimized USB and other digital outputs, cool running processors and internal isolation. You also get a better power supply that’s designed with audio in mind. But with the DSD DAC built in network card you don’t even need a dedicated streamer.