Affordable SS that sound like Tubes

I was a 100% vinyl guy for many years. Due to maintenance cost and aggravation I switched to DSD after a lot of research and I have no regrets.


I am looking for suggestions on affordable SS that sounds as good as Tubes. 


Here's the rub. My Mid Monos were less than $2,000 brand new and they sound incredible. As does my Pre that costed me less than $1,000.

Integrated suggestions are welcomed.

And I would like to hear from people that had fine tube equipment and switched to fine SS equipment.

And please, no mention of "Tubes have Higher Distortion." LOL



I love my Dayens Ampino monos, and they definitely have a smooth sound. Check out their line. 

Also I’d look into Sugden, Audio By Van Alstine, and Linear Tube Audio (tube life on those is supposed to be looooong) 

Post removed 


"""A much better solution would be to use the PS Audio DAC with its built in network card and stream using ethernet. """"

The PSAudio Bridge sounds like poop. I can only assume you have never tried it and compared it to the USB. If this is true, you are sounding like a brochure warrior, just saying. All you would have to do is peruse the PSAudio forum to know the Bridge sounds like crap.


""But with the DSD DAC built in network card you don’t even need a dedicated streamer. ""

I do if I want it to sound better than the bridge and besides DSD files sound better. I only use Qobuz to demo albums and then I purchase DSD.


""It and the PS Audio DAC would need to be on the same network."""


Ok, check, thank you.


Is this one of your started threads?

Best software to rip CDs to Mac (Mini)

""Years ago I used iTunes to rip CDs to my Mac Mini in AIFF format. What’s the latest and the greatest for this?




Yeah CD's sounds awesome🤣🤣🤣😅