Against everything that high end cables stand for

I just received a pair of Michael Green speaker cables. 10 ft pairs, $2 ft, totaL cost $40. They are unterminated bare wire and appear to be 3 twisted solid core 20 gauge wires. I spoke with an employee of MGD and he stated that they do not recommend terminations of cables as the spades, and required solder only serve to add more colouration. My impressions from 2 hours of initial listening, is that vs other wires Ive tried, it trounced my Yamamura m4000 and PAD cables in every area except bass definition. I will give them further listening this eve, but MGD has these theories that make logical sense (Tuneable Speaker, Room Treatments, Clamping Components, Racks etc) which to the T so far have resulted in sonic superiority and improvement.

Showing 2 responses by herman

After years of trial and error I have found that cables are highly system dependent no matter what they cost. The cost of $40 or $4000 has little to do with how they sound with your system. You have evidently found a set of cables with properties that are a good match for your other components. That is all you can hope for.

Those who adhere to the "more money equals better sound" theory are doomed to listen to their systems constantly longing for something they cannot afford. There will always be a cable dealer willing to charge as much he thinks he can get. I have no problem with that.

Yes, cables make a difference because their electrical properties are different. Spending more money does not mean you are going to get a set of properties that blend any better with your system.
My Dear Msnloeth, I can hear the difference between many different cables. I stated my belief that cables do indeed make a difference in my previous post.

My point is that the equation "more expensive = sounds better" is not always true. I have auditioned expensive cables in my system that sounded like crap and much cheaper cables that sounded very nice. These same cables could give the opposite result in another system.

Those that believe the only way to achieve audio nirvana is to buy the most expensive components they can afford are far less likely to suceed than those who seek to find a system of synergistic components no matter what they cost. I hope for your sake that you are not a member of the first group.

By the way, I have read many posts by Sean but have just now realized how wise he is. I think I'll go listen to a record on my $30,000 worth of components wired together with $500 worth of cables. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, that sounds great.