@voodoochillin I don't have a ton of preamps here to test. That is a bit of a shortcoming with my current inventory. I did have it paired with an AVM 5.2 which was quite nice.
Regarding a range of speakers, that will build through time. When the amp comes back from my customer I will test it with my own speakers (Verdant Brand) and hopefully my new Wilson Benesch's will be in. It is going to get a workout breaking those in when they arrive.
I can say it is pairs nicely with my Vivids which are a bit forward but are also miserable to drive. The stated min impedance is 2.8 ohms, stereophile measurements said 2.4 ohms. It handled the Kaya 45s well. I would probably avoid warmer speakers like Vandersteens as the system might sound a little dark. Otherwise, neutral to forward speakers are likely to do well.