AHs anyone heard the new Ayre MX-R mono blocs?

I have always liked the sound of Ayre gear and expect great things from them with their new MX-R mono block amps. Has anyone heard them? How do they compare to other amps in same price range? WHAT is the price of these?

...odd - I have 5A's hooked up to Ayre K1xe, and V1xe, and didn't hear any difference with the monoblox. ...odd
I bet your system sounds awesome. I have heard the Quatros with the K-5XE and V-5XE along with the CX-7E CDP and a VPI turntable. The sound was very good. The soundsatage was great. I can only imagine that the next level from both companies (Vandersteen,Ayre) together, is really nice.
AYRE MX-R are priced similarly to Rowland 312 stereo and to the Theta Citadel monos -- before the price of the latter was hiked up. Has anyone compared the MX-Rs with the 312 and the Citadels?