I took a look at a datasheet I have for the 274A, in the book "Western Electric Tube Data," published by Antique Electronic Supply (now tubesandmore.com). The 274A is a four-pin tube, and I assume the 274B is as well, while the 5U4 utilizes an octal socket.
Also, the 274A has a significantly lower output current rating, especially if used with a filter network that has a capacitor at its input (as opposed to having a capacitor just on the output side of the choke). The datasheet recommends that for capacitor-input filters, the capacitor on the input side of the choke be no more than 4uf. In that situation the maximum rectified output current rating is 150ma, for 450vrms applied to each plate. The corresponding ratings for the 5U4G, GA, and GB appear to be 225ma, 250ma, and 275ma respectively.
For a choke-input filter configuration, the 274A is also rated to deliver significantly less current than those 5U4 numbers, in the range of 160 to 200ma depending on voltage.
Hope that helps,
-- Al