Air Tight ATM2 Direct Driven by CDP?

Does anyone have experience using the Air Tight ATM2 KT88 amp direct-driven from a CD player with a variable output? I have a Cary 303/300 and I'm thinking seriously about purchasing the Air Tight amp, but I want to avoid a preamp if possible. I realize the ATM2 has a two-channel attenuator as well, but what does it sound like driven directly from the CDP? My Cary has audio output levels of 3.0 Vrms single-ended and 6.0 Vrms balanced.
Great memory, you did indeed sell your ATM-1 to me, and a great amp it was, thanks! I hope you're enjoying your ATM-3!!
My sense of the above advice is that, if my Cary 303/300 can be set to a FIXED output level, it's better to use the attenuators in the Air Tight ATM-2 to control volume--correct?

It's also my sense that the amp works fine without a preamp and may be even more transparent.

Finally, Jond, did you ever use your Herron preamp in combo with the ATM-1 you had? How did it sound?

No, by the time I got the Herron I had traded the ATM-1 for a pair of Cary CAD 300B Signature monos. That was a great combo, the Herron was easily one of the best and quietest preamps I've ever heard, ss or tube! I'd still have it but I wanted an all Deja Vu Audio system, the best in the planet!
I have owned the ATM-2 and ATM-3 monos. The ATM-2 continues to be one of my favorite amps. I did try running the CDP ( Wadia ) directly into the ATM-2. While it worked fine, I did prefer the preamp, which at that time was the First Sound Deluxe. The dynamics and soundstage were improved with the preamp.

I notice on other threads you've had experience with various preamps and the ATM-2. I'm now considering going this route, looking at Air Tight ATC-3, Herron VTSP-1, Modwright SWL 9.0SE, Acoustic Masterpiece C101, and EAR 834L. Any opinions? Other suggestions? Anyone?
