Air Tight Supreme compared to PC-1

Please, share experience of the realized improvements between these two cartridges. Was the drop in output gain noticeable from 0.6 to 0.4? Any feedback would be appreciated.


Showing 3 responses by siddh

Hi, Lewm. Thanks for your thoughts. Have you had both carts with the opportunity to compare? Presently in my system, the PC-1 has adequate output; a Koetsu Urushi Tsugaru, purported to have the same 0.6 output requires higher volume setting; and high output ZYX UNIverse performs similarly to the PC-1.

The phono stage is a heavily modified Jadis JP-80 MC with the mc stage I believe at 84 db. The Jadis does not offer variable loading, an unsettling deficiency. I do listen loud. Experience shows over-extending the volume releases much intrinsic sonance.

The good fortune to obtain a Supreme, with all it's decorative praise has left me desirous.
Howdy y'all.

Rushton, much time has lapsed, as has my subscription, since last reading an audio mag. Might you recap Valin's findings?

Thanks, Steve
As is often proclaimed, assessment is best made with the Supreme in the environment I am most familiar. Dollars and....more dollars.

Thanks for the input.