Airtech MG-1 - any experience?

I was exploring Arthur Salvatore's site last night and in the links section came across the Airtech MG-1. It's a linear tracker, sold direct at $299.

Has anyone seen and heard one?


Showing 3 responses by squeegy200

(Formerly lnoriel)
I've been carefully reading thru Ada's documentation before I commence.

I did find the Allen key adjustements you referred to earlier.

My turntable requires fabrication of another armboard because my current setup is 27mm from the top of the platter. That is outside of his required 18-25mm spec. In addition, I like using an Oracle Isolation mat which raises my platter heighth another 4mm.

So I won't be able begin with the installation until this weekend.

I'll go back to the original thread and look up Ada's responses you mentioned.

Once its on, I'll have to refer back to your tuning recommendations.
Response to Flyingred

I was going to use a Grado Sonata. My current phono pre uses only high output MM Cartridges and I've been using this cartridge for a few months now and I've become accustomed to its sonics. It'll help me compare improvements from my previous setup.

I assume this cartridge body is probably on the heavier side compared to some of the other cartridges mentioned.
We'll I got it setup this weekend.
It was a challenge. Every setting must be precise and it is sensitive to minute changes.

I got some assistance from Outlier and from Ada himself on balancing and leveling.

There is a noticeable improvement in sonics as well as increase in soundstage.
I have not yet reached the optimum setup and I am sure there are other things I can fine tune.

I did find a problem with static electricity and grounding. Ada emailed me directly and gave me a few tips. I will try those suggestions this weekend.

I successfully placed the air pump in the adjoining room to quiet things down.

Overall, the arm is amazing.