Albert Porters after market panzerholz plinths

I would like to hear from anyone that has purchased a panzerholz plinth from Porter Audio or a panzerholz DIY project.
Reading through all that I could find on this subject it's obvious Mr. Porter did his home work on his design.
My question to those of you whom refurbished, replinth and rearmed some of these direct drives has it advanced analog playback for you?

I think the person asking the question about plinths should do his own test about nude plinth and disregard what both you and I say.

If you read back on my post of 8-18-10
Anyone who wants to try their Technics or other high torque direct drive table with slender footers and no mass are welcome to do so and report back their findings.

I think that sums everything up precisely, except I could take a cue from Raul and say:

"Raul, do you already tested the sp-10 Panzerholz version? becasue IMHO is what the thread owner would like to know."
Dear Albert: No, I did not. Could you send me a sample just for fun?

regards and enjoy the music,
"So a heretofore unknown fault inherent to a belt drive turntable became apparent. "

How can you know the drive mechanism is the reason?

Aren't the two tables best optimized with different tonearm, and cartridge plus also set up and calibrated differently? Any combo of these could account for a difference. Not to mention dirt accumulated on the stylus, etc.

I would not expect any properly set up high end rig to sound inherently muddy and garbled, but I am sure you heard what you heard.
So far in one year I have managed to get only about four delivered.

At that rate and from my list of waiting customers you should get your sample about 2014.
Everyone thank you for your comments and for some of you here for sharing your hard work and effort into this hobby on this site
Though at times some of the threads read like a Republican Democrate debate of sorts though there is something for everyone on this site to follow or criticise this is ok
My experience of using direct drive table is coming up soon,first one is the Kenwood 990 in the nude with a swinging arm board off the x frame and a kick ass arm, FR 64s Up next when all checked over will be a Technics SP10MKII tried nude and with heavy vibration obsorbing plinth
Sounds like fun to me.