Aleph 4, or else? (good general purpose class A amp)

I have a question on Aleph 4, other desgns by Mr Pass, and older class A solid state amps in general:
I am looking for a solid state power amp to complement or replace my 300B SET (kit from, built by them). 300B is fine with my 15 Ohm Lowther DX2 Fidelios, but I intend to buy (or build) some other speakers. I sort of like "the English sound", but other than that I am quite open and curious (wondering about open baffle, planars, etc., yet reluctant about very low impedance or extremely inefficient designs).
I am in continental Europe (Belgium), and I do not really consider shipping from the US.
In Europe the most acessible and readily available Aleph amp is Aleph 3. Aleph 2s are desireable, but rare; Aleph 5 seems to be pointless.
But what about Aleph 4? They are relatively rear, but there happens to be recapped one on offer, and I better decide soon...
As a general question, are they, in particular Aleph 4 (but also Aleph 3), restrictive or not when it comes to the speakers?
Aleph 3 can provide impressive current down to 2 Ohm, but otherwise it is a 30W amp.
Aleph 4 is a 100W amp, yet its current output seems to be on a par with Aleph 3 (- am I right???).
To complicate things, there are old Krells (thinking only about the first KSA50, fixed bias + fan) as well as Mark Levinson (I may consider ML2 and ML20.6, expensive as they are). I considered early McIntosh (MC 2505, 2105, 2120, 2125, 2200, 2205), but I dropped that idea.
In a nutshell:
- Does Aleph 4 take care of, like, 90% of 'reasonable' loudspeakers, or it is not the safest bet?
And, if Aleph 4 imposes considerable restrictions, would you say that its other qualities outweight its limitations, or there is a more universal option?
Again, all this is to be seen in Europe's second hand market setting.
FirstWatt is a horse of different colour, but a thought about a F6 crossed my mind.
My doubt about Aleph 4 was <4Ohm speaker question.
Realising that an autoformer could take care of that, I think I will go on with Aleph 4, and contact Sowther or Lundahl about the autotransformer.
I came across this one: - McIntosh is not alone.
You should be ok with most speakers. However, to get the most optimum use of the Aleph amps, I recommend ensuring that your speakers have a nominal impedance of not less than 4 ohms. I'm currently using the Aleph 2 and they sound wonderful.
I recommend any of the Bedini amps: 25/25, 45/45, 100/100 and 150/150. I own the first and the last! Superb Class A sound from the late John Bedini! Competitive with the best and most expensive amps today!
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Thank you for the ideas!
Bedinis seem to be very rare, especially in Europe.
Again, so are FirstWatt amps, unless we count their clones, and I am a bit cautious about those:
I do not mind DIY/handmade (my Fidelios are made of spruce, and my 300B amp in principle is a kit), but It seems that clones’ market is infestated by some ripoffs which have dubious pedigree and undeclared ‘improvements’,
Finally, ideally the amp should allow me to explore other speaker options, not just Lowthers. For instance, smth from ProAc (possibly Response 3.5), Audio Note (probably AN-K), Quad ESLs (most likely 63 model), Magnepan 1.7, etc.