Alexx and Lamm ML1?

Getting a pair of Wilson Alexx (min 50W). My room is 12 by 24’. Will my beloved Lamm ML1 (90W) be able to get the best out them?
Karma MIDI Exquisite. Wonderful sound, just a bit ‘thin’ when playing full orchestral pieces. 

He wants to get "the best from them",
Everyone needs to look at measurements more as well as listening.
All these tube suggestions will never get "the best from them", they "may" sound OK though.

urowolf OP
Karma MIDI Exquisite. Wonderful sound, just a bit ‘thin’ when playing full orchestral pieces.
Probably because they also demanded current, and is what happens when current is demanded (just a bit ‘thin’) when a tube amp can’t give it, and the Alexx are even more demanding.
And before anyone mentions to use a Zero Autoformer, a big NO!! it’s only a band-aid fix, get the right amp to do the job! These Alexx’s are magnificent speakers and deserve the right amp.

Cheers George
Gryphon Mephisto stereo is the least expensive amp I can come up with. Speaking new equipment. It's $65k or so retail.
Well, you probably could try D'Agostino Momentum amps too. Very different sound.