Alright ? Who brought the bandeon to the jazz gig?

Is it just me or does it seem like 2010 is the year of the high-profile bandeon on jazz recordings? I understand Wynton is using one on an album, and XM-70 has the Danish Jazz Orchestra in heavy rotation featuring this little sawed-off accordion. I submit, IMHO, that this monstrosity should be banished from anything respectfully calling itself jazz (with the possible exception of weird ECM recordings). Every time I hear one I expect Maurice Chevalier to pop out from behind a tree to start singing... Blech!!!

Or does the rest of the world love this thing?
looks like a squashed accordion to me.
Anything that can make jazz more ex*iting is fine by me.

* c left out intentionally,lol..........
You mention ECM, and I'll second that--in particular, Dino Saluzzi. Is it jazz? Who knows. I do know that his album with the cellist Anja Lechner--"Ojos Negros"--is one of the most heartbreakingly beautiful recordings I own.
I saw Astor Piazolla sometime in the 80s at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis. Enjoyed the performance very much.
Up to that point I had never experienced anything like it.