Am I crazy????? Try THIS

So my friend needs stands for his book shelf speakers. We can't find any in my little town. I had an idea, HANG THEM!!! They sound so much better. Why? Before you get crazy we didn't have to drill the cabinets or anything we just built a "harness" of sorts. It looks somewhat different, but for about $11.75 we hung both his speakers with braided wire and some eye screws etc. And they sound better to me. Anyone done this?

my step-dad had a set of 901's hanging by chains. i never saw them move but i did hear them one time clear as day and i was outside about 200 yards from the house. phase linear power amp as i recall.
gmarcotte@...Do you know if each speaker had two chains going to the ceiling or more. This would make the difference.
Line...You need two chains to avoid the speaker pointing in different directions. If you use three chains, it can't swing either.
Well...i have to tell you; you had me doubting my memory, so i call my friend that was with me at the time when we seen the 901's and he remembers the same thing. It surprised us both and we looked at each other. He recalls the music; it was used in the movie Close Incounters of the Third Kind, where there is silence and then a powerful VAAROMMM. This made them move about 1/2" or so. They were hanging high, maybe 2ft. from the ceiling and 2ft. from the side wall and back wall. I attest, they moved.