Am I wasting money on the theory of Bi-amping?

As a long time audiophile I'm finally able to bi-amp my setup. I'm using two identical amps in a vertical bi-amp configuration. 

Now me not fully understanding all of the ins/outs of internal speaker crossovers and what not. I've read quite a few people tell me that bi-amping like I'm doing whether it's vertical or horizontal bi-amping is a waste since there's really not a improvement because of how speaker manufacturers design the internal crossovers. 

Can anyone explain to a third grader how it's beneficial or if the naysayers are correct in the statement?


The math never worked for me. If I can afford, say a $5K amp… I cannot afford two. I would always match amps… coherence. There is nothing worse than mixing sound qualities (a planar guy for a few decades). So, if I could afford another $5K for amplification… I would choose a $10K amp… it is going to have better dynamics, a much lower noise floor and more natural sound. So… biamping completely loses every time for me.