My vote goes to the ff.
1.) Magnepan 1.6QR - I sold my Martin Logan Ascents (from Aerius, then Aeon, to the Ascents) for this! I was right about my decision and happier!
2.) Dynaco ST-70 - in modded form, it is so hard to believe that the design of this is "mass market" oriented. The original transformer is the key! I can power my 1.6QR with this and listen at low to moderate level and can forget about what amp is driving them. Unless you crank it up, then it will remind you that it is a 35 wpc amp driving an 86dB load.
3.) Teres TT - no explanation necessary.
4.) Jolida JD100 - at it's price range, you have to be bitten hard by the bug to upgrade from this. Soooo musical!
5.) Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and Zero Dust Stylus Cleaner - I cannot imagine myself without this outstanding cleaning tools.
And lastly...
6.) OL Silver - with Tom's (TWL) and Doug Deacons Hi-Fi and VTF on the fly mods. Not so expensive tonearm but with "gigantic" performance ratio IMO.
Caveat: I own all the stuff I listed. So I amp weighing from my personal preference.
1.) Magnepan 1.6QR - I sold my Martin Logan Ascents (from Aerius, then Aeon, to the Ascents) for this! I was right about my decision and happier!
2.) Dynaco ST-70 - in modded form, it is so hard to believe that the design of this is "mass market" oriented. The original transformer is the key! I can power my 1.6QR with this and listen at low to moderate level and can forget about what amp is driving them. Unless you crank it up, then it will remind you that it is a 35 wpc amp driving an 86dB load.
3.) Teres TT - no explanation necessary.
4.) Jolida JD100 - at it's price range, you have to be bitten hard by the bug to upgrade from this. Soooo musical!
5.) Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and Zero Dust Stylus Cleaner - I cannot imagine myself without this outstanding cleaning tools.
And lastly...
6.) OL Silver - with Tom's (TWL) and Doug Deacons Hi-Fi and VTF on the fly mods. Not so expensive tonearm but with "gigantic" performance ratio IMO.
Caveat: I own all the stuff I listed. So I amp weighing from my personal preference.