Amazing ''Overachieving'' products...your pick?

I have owned both expensive gear (and I do mean expensive) and ''budget'' gear. Many components are mind-boggling on a price-paid versus performance ratio. Three of my favorites are:

1. The Bedini clarifier. This gizmo just plain works. You may like - or not - the difference it makes on your cd's. In my case, it clears up a lot of fog. The cheapest upgrade to ALL my cd's.

2. The Cayin TA-30 integrated amplifier . So much performance and flexibility for so little money. Put it up against anything up to 3 times the price, musically and from a build-quality perspective. Just plain amazing.

3. The Apple i-Pod Mini. Yes, even from in an audiophile application, playing cd's (not downloaded MP3's). You can snob it but you cannot ignore it.

What are YOUR picks ?
Two come to mind for me. The MG 1.6QR and Jolida JD-100. Both perform way above their price points IMO. Besides being "overacheivers" they perform well because they are well designed products.
I'm with you guy's on the Maggie 1.6's and the Purist Vanustas. I will add the Theta Miles CD player (balanced version). I have auditioned many other players in my system some costing almost four times as much when new. While some sounded a bit better, none of them really shamed the Miles.
I picked up a pair os Acoustat X speakers, each with it's own servo charged built-in amp some years ago. Best deal I ever made.
Paul Speltz's Anti-Cables
Signal Cable's Silver IC's
Paul Frumkin's Audio Intelligent Vinyl Solutions