Amazon One and dps Turntable Experiences?

Has anyone auditioned the Amazon One and dsp turntables? They seem to be featured in many systems at hi-fi shows, but there is very little information about them. How do they compare to Scheu (Eurolab)?
I have to make a correction - The Amazons are NOT used to develop Lyra cartridges, but Lyra do use them to demonstrate their cartrdiges and electronics, and they also import the Amazon.
I heard a dps with Schroeder Reference and Zyx Airy 2, also at GT Audio. I have not heard an Amazon.

I thought the dps sounded wonderfully fast, dynamic and lively, no doubt helped by the arm/cart combination. Pitch and timing were spot on - I couldn't hear any cogging effects.

I took about 8 albums along and spent nearly three hours listening. Generally, the music was wonderful, however one of my reference tracks sounded bass light. Graham attributed this to the characteristics of the SET tube amp he was using.

Overall I wasn't fully convinced. I just had the feeling that there's probably another deck/arm/cart combination available that will deliver as well sonically at a lower price.

There was something slightly lifestyle/hifi as modern sculpture about this demo. Just my perceptions, but if it doesn't feel right, my credit card stays in my pocket.
Hi Flynigred

I perhaps should not have said cogging, probably more motor feedback from the AC motor, which is known as cogging in my view.

Notably there is a web interview with the DPS designer Willi Bauer, and he says the drive belt vs string approach has strengths and benefits on both sides, and I have fallen on the lower torque string approach used on the amazon. Its' platter does have a lot of inertia by sheer size, and has plenty of deep fast well defined bass in my set up which uses a Lavardin IT amp, and Yamaha NS 1000 M speakers.

Try out the Amazon - I tried out several decks before I chose it. It's a matter of taste.
From my listening experience all I can say, the Amazon Reference impressed me much more than the dps with any Schroeder Arms ( I listened to a few of them ).
I know, it is not quite comparable, because they were not in my System, but the overall high frequency information and the musical flow through the whole range was better with the Amazon / Morch / Lyra than dps /Schroeder/Lyra's.