Amazon Prime & 7.1 or Atmos Decoding

Amazon Prime & 71. or Atmos decoding. I don't know why the word amp was added to the title...strange.
Can anyone comment as to whether Amazon Prime does output 7.1 or Atmos decoding via either the 4K Fire Stick or the 4K Cube? If it does can you recommended a title that you know does 7.1?

Both products state they have Atmos capability but I have yet to find one title on either Netflix or Prime that is outputting the 7.1 surround format.

Calling Amazon is useless and a waste of time.

"amp" is short for ampersand, which is the name for this symbol: &

Another "feature" of this antiquated forum is that it shows some codes in the titles, though they don't show up in the titles when you open the thread.