Amp for Revel Ultima Salon 2

Hi, im searching amp for Ultima Salon 2.
They love high watts

Im considering
Mark Levinson 532

I have read a "new sound" MC in their last models (452,601)
Any comparison with this brands ?
Looking at your original post, I would go with the Krell FPB 400cx, this amp is far better than what others here know about this amp, and if you can get your hands on a 700cx, even better!
Thanks Audiolabyrinth. Just saw one for 4600. There is a krell 600 c up for sale as well. I don't know the krell sound. Will try to demo one of them. Thanks.
For anyone to provide any meaningful assistance, you need to tell us about your other gear, music preferences, listening volume, and room size and whether it has a lot of reflections.
to Onomeagbahovbe: Im so sorry for this late answer, havent been here lately. I have to agree with P59teitel answer above. However, all the different amps I have had, I have either borrowed to test in my own living room with rest of my equipment, or heard at a dealers location when borrowing is not possible..I dont like this last option, but at least it gives me a sort of impression on that specific equipment I may buy. 20k used Asr 2 ex seems for me quite expensive..depends on the year the exact model were made. Anything below 2012 would not even be considered from my side. Can I ask what you ended up with? The ASR goes quite cheap in europe used, and you shouldnt pay more than the Bat pack or the 532. The 532 is also an amazing amp, it actually gives a bit more slam on the bass like the old huge
Krell beasts, but for me it feels more like boosting the lower frequencies unaturally..I still find the ASR EMITTER 2 EX, to be amongst the best amps ive ever heard, final:) But in this pricerange, there are ofcourse many wonderful amps, dont get me wrong..but there is a reason in which asr 2 ex is looked upon as maybe the best "integrated" there is
to Onomeagbahovbe: Im so sorry for this late answer, havent been here lately. I have to agree with P59teitel answer above. However, all the different amps I have had, I have either borrowed to test in my own living room with rest of my equipment, or heard at a dealers location when borrowing is not possible..I dont like this last option, but at least it gives me a sort of impression on that specific equipment I may buy. 20k used Asr 2 ex seems for me quite expensive..depends on the year the exact model were made. Anything below 2012 would not even be considered from my side. Can I ask what you ended up with? The ASR goes quite cheap in europe used, and you shouldnt pay more than the Bat pack or the 532. The 532 is also an amazing amp, it actually gives a bit more slam on the bass like the old huge
Krell beasts, but for me it feels more like boosting the lower frequencies unaturally..I still find the ASR EMITTER 2 EX, to be amongst the best amps ive ever heard, final:) But in this pricerange, there are ofcourse many wonderful amps, dont get me wrong..but there is a reason in which asr 2 ex is looked upon as maybe the best "integrated" there is