Amp for SF Concerto Speakers

Everything I've read on finding an amp for a Sonus Faber Concerto (6ohm) speaker is like almost a decade and half old. So I'm looking for some updated suggestions. Tried a SF Musica, couldn't get any real volume so maybe that was the amp, but am looking for feedback on Musica with these speakers as well as anything else in that general price range. I am spinning with a Rega 6 turntable. Need to find more of the precision, sound stage, and completeness, that these speakers can and will deliver. Prefer integrated, open to solid state as well as tube, probably prefer tube but don't want to go crazy with the spend.

Amps not to get are "laid back or dark" sounding ones, as that is how most SF's are voiced, and the two together could put you to sleep while listening.

Cheers George 
Prefer integrated, open to solid state

Look at the Parasound Hint used or the later Hint6 new or used, both are good powerful integrateds designed by John Curl, with phono stages, dac, and have subwoofer output with xover adjustment which could be useful also for you later with book shelves by adding a sub or two, and the Hint’s are not laid back/dark sounding, a good match for the SF’s.

Here’s two that sold on ebay, as an idea used, or go another $k for a new one.

Cheers George