Amp for Shahinian Obelisks?

Hi guys

Anyone recommend amps for my new Obelisks? I heard the Plinius 9200 was ok but wondered if tubes would do it? Like these:

Or high power Mcintosh?
Jungson JA-50 monos?

My music is rock and electronic biased with lots of live music etc.

Really appreciate your thoughts!


Richard H
Interesting product.
A compnay that's been in the speaker business for 30 years and who sends the vast majority of there product to Europe and Japan.
its a classical music thing. they throw a big as life soundstage without sacrificing weight. though different than a bose 901 or an allison 1,2, or 4, or a gradient revolution, or the klipsch legacy designs,the speaker uses the room it is in to full effect. a music lover's speaker- not an audiophile speaker. like the others mentioned, its generally purchased by those wanting off the merry-go-round.
Bedini works alright, but I would second Plinius as being superior in build quality, reliability and resale value. A friend of mine just upgraded from the latest Bedini monoblocks to a single Plinius SA-10 for his Obelisks and Diapasons, and says it was well worth it. If you e-mail me, I can forward your mail to him.
I'll third the Plinius 9200 integrated or separate amps for Obelisks. Great synergy. I haven't heard the Bedini amps.

Shahinian also ships a ton of these to Oz and NZ. He used to voice with Plinius, don't know if he still does or not.

The Obelisks' most endearing trait, other than a very (VERY)wide sweet spot, is their ability to portray a realistic sense of large scale orchestral music. I also happen to think they're pretty nice on a lot of acoustic music as well. If imaging and hyper-detail are your be-all/end-all in audio, these aren't your speakers. But if a sense of a live orchestra or band is your thing, then these speakers do it well for the money. As do Ohm Walsh speakers. (As do my ALon Vs.)
Hassel, I would like very much to be able to get your friend's impressions of the sound with his Plinius, compared to his Bedini monos. Please feel free to pass along this request and email me via Agon. I will send back a response so you get my email address.