Amp for Thiel CS 2?

I have been driving my 1986 Thiel CS 2's with a Hafler 9180 power amp. The Thiels are 6 ohm rated. The 9180 is rated at 105 W @8 ohms and 150W @4ohms. Does anyone have recommendations for alternative "reasonably priced" power amps? Is the 9180 giving me all I can get from the Thiels? Thanks to all.

Showing 1 response by alonski

What timing... I just sold my 1986 CS2s and they left my house 10 minutes ago! A 15 year old son of friends of ours bought them, and I promised him I would help him choose an integrated amp that would drive them.

Any ideas on SS integrateds that could drive these beauties?

For years, I was driving them with a 100WPC Electron Kinetics Eagle 2A, which I had completely rebuilt last year. It sounds unbelievably good with the CS2s. I'm reluctant to sell this amp b/c John Iverson built and tweaked this unit himself and then disappeared forever. No one seems to know where this amp legend went...