amp platform suggestions...

I was thinking of using some granite with some Herbies Iso-Cup/Lampblack Ball between teh granite and the amps. What are your thoughts?
I've never heard granite in this application to be successful. Granite has a ringy sound that is unmusical.
All materials have sonic signatures/attributes of one form or another be it granite, maple block, epoxy, etc....Granite in and by itself does have undesirable sonic attributes.

Adona Corporation addresses this and makes beautiful, sonically friendly amp/equipment stands through the use of layering of granite, MDF and a special (i.e. they don't tell you what it is....) material that is bonded together. The stands themselves are very functional, easily adjustable and aesthetically pleasing. They have various facing and finishing options available. They are also able to be re-built into various combinations and configurations over time by mixing and matching the various upright lengths and x-frame combinations available. A large part of what makes them useful is also the ability of weight the metal frames and granite/hybrid shelves are able to hold, i.e. they easily take the loads presented by large amps, transports, power conditioners, etc...

I have found the following;

- certain vibration solutions such as Stillpoints and Black Diamond racing pucks under my equipment to further isolate are not a good match with the hybrid platforms and have a sonic signature that I do not care for when used together

- Composite Audio CF-2010/similar platforms that utilize high-tech epoxy, sorbethane and carbon-fiber combinations work VERY well in conjunction with the Adona granite platforms to provide a extra level of broad spectrum vibration isolation that sounds great (to my ears)

As an aside, I've consider hard-aged Maple blocks in the past such as the high-quality ones sold by Mapleshade and others. They are a great solution.
Like Zephyr I have noticed that certain types of isolation devices work better on certain kinds of materials. Granite is very unforgiving of brass points, BDRs etc.

Granite is excellent if your goal is to isolate your component from any wall or floor born vibrations. The Herbies units you are considering (which I have) should be a very good match. So would Aurios.

Wood tolerates most devices and many people believe it to be warmer. I think there is something to be said about having a large block of wood as a reflective surface being more pleasing then having a large piece of stone.

Beyond the maple, take a look at some of the myrtle wood platforms being offered by edensound and others. Myrtle is extremely dense.

I have never been able to figure out why any kind of block or shelf would help with airborne vibrations. I think that this is where tube dampers and mass loading come into play. This may also be where devices like the Herbies and the Aurios which allow the unit to move freely make a contribution.

For very reasonably priced granite check out grizzly dot com and type in granite in the search box

I have also ordered thick cork sheets from McMasters and applied them to the base of the granite for massloading on top of speakers.
Two inch thick maple cutting boards totally bloated the sound of my system. Slow, confused, overly warm, muddy, you name it. Simply put, the maple cutting boards were terrible in my system.
WOW! It's amazing how the results have varied so much. Has anyone used a 1" thick polycarbonate as a platform?