Thank you all for sharing your experiences. One thing I should have mentioned in my original post is that I intend to go with tubes, or possibly another hybrid amp because the Circes were designed with them in mind.
Awdeeofyle - Thank you for the ss suggestions!
Jond and Rcprince - I agree that the Cary 300s are not the best match for these speakers due to their power requirements. VTL is on my short list to audition.
Would the Lamm M1.1 (100 w mono block, hybrid architecture) be an appropriate match?? If so, why?
Again, thanks!
Awdeeofyle - Thank you for the ss suggestions!
Jond and Rcprince - I agree that the Cary 300s are not the best match for these speakers due to their power requirements. VTL is on my short list to audition.
Would the Lamm M1.1 (100 w mono block, hybrid architecture) be an appropriate match?? If so, why?
Again, thanks!