I have not heard those specific models.
In addition to performance,
I buy things I like/love every time I see/touch them, power on or off. That puts my brain in a more receptive state for their superior performance.
That Vintage MC275 is a beauty, I much prefer it to the CJ. I would not want that beauty down out of sight if I could arrange it.
I tore my Meniscus pulling my McIntosh SS Amp, MC2250 80 lbs, out of a low shelf, a pair of compact mono's have an ease of movement advantage. Location: think about how two people could put heavy piece in place together.
In addition to performance,
I buy things I like/love every time I see/touch them, power on or off. That puts my brain in a more receptive state for their superior performance.
That Vintage MC275 is a beauty, I much prefer it to the CJ. I would not want that beauty down out of sight if I could arrange it.
I tore my Meniscus pulling my McIntosh SS Amp, MC2250 80 lbs, out of a low shelf, a pair of compact mono's have an ease of movement advantage. Location: think about how two people could put heavy piece in place together.