Amp recommendations for Maggie 3.6?

I'm looking to spend up to $5000 for a new or used 2-channel amp. I listen to mostly classical and jazz. My present amp is a Musical Fidelity A3.2CR (130 /225w @ 8 & 4 ohms). Though I am in a mid-sized apartment, I find myself pushing the limits of the amp. I am seriously considering Odyssey Extreme monos, but am intrigued by the great press for Butler TDB220 and Moscode 401HR. Also considering used McIntosh, such as MC 402. I love the sound of tubes, yet don't want to sacrifice bass, imaging, or transparency. (I know--big wishes on a small budget!) I would appreciate your suggestions, as I have a disability which prevents traveling to audition equipment. Thanks
Not to hijack the thread, but has anyone tried 100 tube watts on the 3.6´s? I´m considering the new ARC REF110 (110W).
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Thanks, everyone for your feedback on amps for the Maggie 3.6--my choices are narrowing, which is a good thing. Lots of happy campers with the JC1 / Maggie combo. Also, mostly great response regarding the Wolcotts. It will likely come down to price and availability. JC1s have been around for awhile, and lots of them out there. Not necessarily so with used Wolcotts, Butlers, or Moscodes. I wrote to Butler Audio regarding their TDB220s, and they said they got "superb results" in CES 2003 pairing the Butlers (no, not the Monads)and Magnepans. The rep also stated that they can be bridged into 800w mono. (I am verifiying their 2-ohm stability.) The Butlers run $3300 new, which seems like an outstanding bargain. Hey, no Mac users out here? What's up?
I am running my Maggie 3.6s with one Butler 2250. I prefer it to my VTL ST 150 and Theta Dreadnaught. Just seems more effortless. A great amp for the price.