Hi Kijanki,
You make some good points. The dealer with whom I should have a good relationship--I've given him over $20k worth of biz--is a complete ass in my opinion, so I don't go there any longer, but there are some others I could approach.... I just don't have a working relationship with them. However, your suggestion got me thinking about another option: using some friends and other audiophiles for demos. This might be the way to go.
I do have a few questions, however, about specs. Some folks are passionately against using specs in judging equipment and others, albeit a smaller group IMO, are just a passionate that specs/performance should be measurable. Personally, I'm a military historian and tend to be analytical, so while I can appreciate both sides of the debate, the end result frustrates me. So my main question is in trying to understand the two sides, or rather how do I reconcile these two positions?
Another question I've got concerns the use of amplifier types for reg. speakers vs. subwoofers. Currently I use my Citations to drive two passive SVSs subs (one of the reasons for my fixation on DF), but I don't know if I should get a dedicated 'sub-type' amp such as the one designed for the buttkickers, should I keep my current setup (and I still need to experiment between regular vs. bridged as well), or get a couple large mono-blocks for the subs. This is the sort of problem/question I'm trying to figure out. But without listening, what sort of factors should I be looking for?
This is why I'm confused. I've been 'into' home theater for about fifteen years, I've read magazines, forums, etc., so I'm hardly a newbie, nor am I completely ignorant. Yet, I find information that consistently confuses me. Here is an example: I've just purchased an old Janis sub (haven't gotten it yet) to experiment with matching it with my speakers. It uses a tiny little 80watt amp to drive a 15" driver! However, I'm told that the DF for this amp is very high. How does this jive?
So on the one hand, everyone is always talking about major wattage to drive subs, meanwhile the Janis has this big driver and dinky amp with a high DF. So I'm stuck trying to reconcile all of this information and this is the genesis of why I asked for any other specs I could find to put together a spreadsheet.
BTW, I hope my ignorance isn't too frustrating. I'm just a little frustrated myself trying to make the right choices and digesting this information.
Thank you, Aaron