Amp to Pair with Revel F228be

Im looking for an amp to pair with a new pair of Revel towers I just picked up. On my short list are Pass x250.8, SimAudio 760A, and for about $2000 less a Parasound JC5.  The speakers do double duty in a home theatre system. Does anyone have any recommendations?
I had the Pass X250.8 on my list as well but no chance to demo,so went with my first choice ,the JC5 and couldn't be happier .
I'm tempted to save a couple grand on a demo jc5 with warranty, but have read great things about the pass amps.
I have the ATI6003 and it drives the F228Be great. But I can see you are going higher up the hi end food chain! 

mf612 OP Amp to Pair with Revel F228be

Quite a hard load on amplifiers, have to be a good one to get the very best out of them.

Stereophile’s Revel F228be measurements
"The impedance magnitude remains below 8 ohms for the entire midrange and bass, with minimum values of 3.42 ohms at 98Hz and 3.55 ohms at 290Hz (fig.1). There is also a demanding combination of 5 ohms magnitude and 39.5° electrical phase angle at 390Hz. While its nominal impedance is specified as 8 ohms, the Performa F228Be would work best with an amplifier that’s comfortable driving 4 ohm loads."

This would be very nice integrated for them, if he’s still got it for sale

Or if you've got the bucks, it's bigger bother.

Cheers George