
Responses from jdub39

Preamp for Parasound A21+ with Sonus Faber Venere 3.0 speakers
That's to bad would have loved to give it a shot.    
Preamp for Parasound A21+ with Sonus Faber Venere 3.0 speakers
@yyzsantabarbara  Does the Holo Audio Serene have an HT Bypass? and is the display defeat able? I'm also considering a Sim audio Moon 740p, currently using a Musical Fidelity Ms8.    
Calling Owners of Wireworld Platinum Eclipse 8 XLR
Calling Owners of Wireworld Platinum Eclipse 8 XLR
From what I heard between the Eclipse 8 and Silver Eclipse 8 and taking in to consideration your recent inquiry , I would give the Platinum a try it just may put your cable quest to rest for a while. How are the Silver's settling in ?,  
Wireworld Silver or Gold Eclipse 8 - IC or Speaker Cable?
Oh yeah! still some ways to go , they are listenable out the box so the illusion they are settled is easy to fall for. The bass will fill out some more and complement the rest of the sound stage and then just go about organizing the music as an sk... 
Wireworld Silver or Gold Eclipse 8 - IC or Speaker Cable?
@ryder  How many hours ? When it was all said and done and back and fourth comparisons I decided the increased transparency and perhaps a tad less bass but still maintaining bloom and musicality and had to keep the Sliver Eclipse 8's in the chain,... 
Wireworld Silver or Gold Eclipse 8 - IC or Speaker Cable?
@ryder  , Sounds about right!  
Wireworld Silver or Gold Eclipse 8 - IC or Speaker Cable?
@ryder  Congrats on the Silver 8's , I only compared them to the Eclipse 8's  and found them to be just what I was after. Give them 200hrs to show there stuff , it was at that point I decided I was keeping them. They just allow musicality to flow... 
Sharing among smart TVs
if you have an Google account have your phone handy and it will walk you through a pretty painless setup of your apps your already signed into.  
Parasound to Pass Upgrade
^^^ At 30K I would hope it did best the JC-1+  
Ferrite cores on cables
^^^^^ My experience as well !  
Musical Fidelity
Happy with my Ms8 preamp !    
The Best Preamp is no Preamp?
Best preamp is the one that brings out the best in your setup.    
Absorption, Diffusion or a combination of it all?
All of it ! alternate absorption and diffusion , use absorption at the first reflection points.  
Finally added Accuphase to my collection
Congrats! perhaps one day!