Amp with best bass control

Which solid state amp(s) have you heard demonstrate the best bass control? I'm not talking "go the lowest", I'm talking "tight tight - super tight grip on the bass". I'm talking "fast" as well. The proverbial Kung-Fu Grip!

Thanks all!

Bel Canto is located in Minnesota USA I believe. Good value ergonomic products and good customer service I have found as well.

ref1000m specifically is based on Icepower Class D amp modules made by Bang and Olefson (Danish).
Jafant: Mapleshade Double Helix speaker cables and Krell CAST cables connecting the KCT preamp to the 400cx. I tried Tara Labs, Harmonic Technology and Audioquest speaker cables in this system over the past 10 years. The Mapleshades sound best in my opinion with the most spatial and low level, ambient content, plus the bass response makes me believe the Thiels are actually flat down to 20 Hz, which of course they are not.
Sunfire Signature 600 SeriesII. Haven't heard one but Roy Esposito says it's the only amp he's heard with better bottom end than the Acoustat TNT200 monos he builds. Apparently "Other-worldly".
Quick update: I was able to audition Constellation, Boulder and D'Agostino amps yesterday. The Constellation Stereo, the Boulder 1060 and the D'Ag monos.

I found the Constellation very smooth, yet detailed, but lacking a little in bass punch - but it could have been the room.

Next up was the D'Agostino. By far, the most musical, liquid sounding amp I have ever heard. They don't sound like other amps. They are like someone took the best of solid state and the best of tubes and smushed them together. Only downside is those little buggars get hot!

Next up was the Boulder 1060. I don't want to start a whole big thing, but lets just say, it was an amp for me. It sounded a little dated and it was like listening to an amp design that is well, 10 or 15 years old. Certainly not SOTA IMO. YMMV.

So for me, the three best SS amps I've heard are Soulution, D'Agostino and Vitus. Vitus is the big sleeper in this group. I would say, picking one, would depend entirely on speakers, the rest of your system (preamp, cabling, etc.) and music preference.
