Amp with best bass control

Which solid state amp(s) have you heard demonstrate the best bass control? I'm not talking "go the lowest", I'm talking "tight tight - super tight grip on the bass". I'm talking "fast" as well. The proverbial Kung-Fu Grip!

Thanks all!

I always find it interesting when people compare amplifiers more than twice the price of your own amp and (surprise surprise) find they sound better. I also find it interesting when those same people espouse clear preferences toward specific colorations and tonal emphasis in amplifiers, whilst conversely displaying an amazing apathy and lack of understanding of a manufacturer's design and manufacturing process in the case of Boulder.
08-23-13: Audiolabyrinth
@ Mbovaird, Hi, I was waiting patiently for you of all the posters here!, I knew you would come back and say what you did of the Boulder amps, my post earlier on this thread ring TRUE!, they suck!
How eloquent. Did you learn that at University? A guy compares two $55k amps to a $25k amp and prefers the $55k profound.
Have you heard Soulution amps? Coloration? thinks you haven't heard them.

Have you heard D'Agostino amps? Vitus? Constellation? Anything SOTA? If your reference is an amp designed in 1999, you need to simply enjoy it for what it is or keep an open mind and listen to some of the current SOTA amps.

Clobbering people over the head with an outdated amp, which many love and some don't, is not the appropriate approach. There are no winners and losers. If we are in search of the absolute sound, sonic truth for ourselves, then our opinions are just that. Opinions. You are free to disagree and so are others with you.

As for your price argument, I will happily put a pair of Classe CAM600's (which I also own) up against the 1060 any day of the week and they will handily trounce then in balance, speed, dynamics, measured performance and sonic quality......oh, and they would save to $10,000.

Enjoy your Boulder amp.....but no one will convince me otherwise. I know what I heard.
Enjoy your Boulder amp.....but no one will convince me otherwise. I know what I heard.
Mbovaird (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
That's right, what *you* heard. New is not always better. You don't like the Boulder, good for you. There is always more to the story when members get this animated about defending certain brands. Members reading your comments may rightfully question your agenda.