Amp with best bass control

Which solid state amp(s) have you heard demonstrate the best bass control? I'm not talking "go the lowest", I'm talking "tight tight - super tight grip on the bass". I'm talking "fast" as well. The proverbial Kung-Fu Grip!

Thanks all!

This thread was about audio amplification, and has turned into amplifying personality disorders. Not funny
Csontos, Sort of a modern mix of Henny Youngman and Rodney Dangerfield. I do appreciate your humor, not bad :)
@Csontos, I don't think it's helpful to stick your nose in and make a mockery of comments made when you know nothing of the past history of that member. You haven't been the victim of vicious personal attacks and breaches of your privacy by this member, so your comment is not well received.
09-07-13: Isochronism
Narcissistic Psychopathic disorder is never self realized by those who suffer from it. Very sad. I am not making a joke.
Sadly true